About Us
Founding Fathers of the Calgary Bailliage
September,1974: The first official meeting of the Alberta Chaine des Rotisseurs
Standing from left:
Hans Heinke, Edmonton (guest); Eckhart Kolesch, Manager, Jasper
Park Lodge; Jack Hayes, Brewster Transport; Ted Balderson, General
Manager, Chateau Lake Louise; John Smithers, Sales Manager, Andres
Wines in Alberta; Kurt Amsler, Executive Chef, Banff Springs Hotel;
Walter Varvazovsky, Instructor, SAIT; Robert Vercleyen, Executive
Chef, Palliser Hotel, Calgary; John Luvisotto, Food and Beverage
Manager, Palliser Hotel, Calgary.
Seated from left:
Reg Sargent, Vancouver (officiating); Jean Phisel, Montreal (officiating);
Garnet Page, Managing Director, Coal Association of Canada, Calgary;
Ivor Petrak, General Manager, Banff Springs Hotel; Paul Mastalir,
Department Head, Culinary Arts at SAIT and President of the Canadian
Federation of Chefs de Cuisine.
As of 2024-10-15, Kurt Amsler is the sole remaining member of the founding group.
As produced by Nova Photo. This is from Paul Mastalir’s personal archive.